Etter en triveig helg, kan jeg nå meddele alle nysgjerrige at vi har funnet leilighet! Tilholdssted de nærmeste årene (?) blir Hans Nielsen Haugesgate 12. Dvs. like ved rosendal kino, rett bak Lademoen kirke. Den er 42 kvadratmeter, og er lys og trivelig. Og blokka er rosa=D Leiligheten overtas 1. mai, men innflytningsfesten må nok vente til over sommeren (men det blir nok!). I mellomtiden blir det eksamenslesing og sommerjobb.
skråblikk på religion
dette er nok et utdrag fra sosiologiboka mi:
World religions, a humorous view:
Taoism: shit happens
Protestantism: Let shit happen to someone else
Catholicism: If shit happens, you deseved it.
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?
Atheism: No shit
T.V. Evangelism: Send more shit
Buddhism: If shit happens, it is not really shit
Zen Buddhism: What is the sound of shit happening?
Hinduism: This shit happened before!
World religions, a humorous view:
Taoism: shit happens
Protestantism: Let shit happen to someone else
Catholicism: If shit happens, you deseved it.
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?
Atheism: No shit
T.V. Evangelism: Send more shit
Buddhism: If shit happens, it is not really shit
Zen Buddhism: What is the sound of shit happening?
Hinduism: This shit happened before!
Noe å tenke på...
I mine sosiologistudier, kommer jeg stadig over ting som er verdt å tenke over. Dette er et utdrag av boka jeg leser nå; Sociology - an introduction (og jeg gidder ikke å oversette, så dere får skjerpe engelskkunnskapen):
in the millennium year of 2000, the earth was home to some 6 billion people who live in the cities and countryside of nearly 200 nations. To grasp the social 'shape' of this world, imagine the planet's population reduced to a single settlement of 100 people. A visit to this 'global village' would reveal that more than half (61) of the inhabitants are from Asia, including 21 from the Peoples Republic of China and 17 from India. Next, in terms of numbers, we would find 13 from Africa, 12 from Europe, 8 from South America, 5 from North America and 1 from Oceania.
A study of this settlement would reveal some startling conclusions. People believed in very different 'Gods': 32 were Christian, 19 Muslim, 13 Hindus, 12 practised folk religions, 6 were Buddhists, 2 belonged to other religions like Confucianism and the Bahai'i faith, 1 was Jewish and 15 were non-religious. There are some 6,000 languages but over half of the hundred spoke Chinese, 9 spoke English, 8 spoke Hindi, 7 spoke Spanish, 4 spoke Arabic, 4 spoke Bengali, 3 spoke Portugese, and 3 spoke Russian.
The village is a rich place, with a vast array of goods and services for sale. Yet most people van do no more than dream of such treasures, because 80 per cent of the village's total income is earned by just 20 individuals.
Food is the greatest worry for the majority of the population. Every year, workers produce more than enough food to feed everyone; even so, half the village's people - including most of the children - go hungry. The worst.off 20 residents (who together have less money than the richest person in the village!) lack food, safe drinking water and secure shelter. They are weak and unable to work. Every day some of them fall ill with life-threatening diseases. Another 50 do not have a reliable source of food and are hungry much of the time.
Villagers talk of their community's many schools, including colleges and universities. Of 38 school-aged villagers, 31 attend school but few (7.5) reach university. Half of the village's people can neither read nor write.
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in the millennium year of 2000, the earth was home to some 6 billion people who live in the cities and countryside of nearly 200 nations. To grasp the social 'shape' of this world, imagine the planet's population reduced to a single settlement of 100 people. A visit to this 'global village' would reveal that more than half (61) of the inhabitants are from Asia, including 21 from the Peoples Republic of China and 17 from India. Next, in terms of numbers, we would find 13 from Africa, 12 from Europe, 8 from South America, 5 from North America and 1 from Oceania.
A study of this settlement would reveal some startling conclusions. People believed in very different 'Gods': 32 were Christian, 19 Muslim, 13 Hindus, 12 practised folk religions, 6 were Buddhists, 2 belonged to other religions like Confucianism and the Bahai'i faith, 1 was Jewish and 15 were non-religious. There are some 6,000 languages but over half of the hundred spoke Chinese, 9 spoke English, 8 spoke Hindi, 7 spoke Spanish, 4 spoke Arabic, 4 spoke Bengali, 3 spoke Portugese, and 3 spoke Russian.
The village is a rich place, with a vast array of goods and services for sale. Yet most people van do no more than dream of such treasures, because 80 per cent of the village's total income is earned by just 20 individuals.
Food is the greatest worry for the majority of the population. Every year, workers produce more than enough food to feed everyone; even so, half the village's people - including most of the children - go hungry. The worst.off 20 residents (who together have less money than the richest person in the village!) lack food, safe drinking water and secure shelter. They are weak and unable to work. Every day some of them fall ill with life-threatening diseases. Another 50 do not have a reliable source of food and are hungry much of the time.
Villagers talk of their community's many schools, including colleges and universities. Of 38 school-aged villagers, 31 attend school but few (7.5) reach university. Half of the village's people can neither read nor write.
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